
From Buddha-Nature
Revision as of 11:14, 4 September 2024 by JeremiP (talk | contribs) ((by SublimeText.Mediawiker))
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:MediaData/doc

return mw.ext.externalData.getExternalData{
	url = '' .. mw.uri.encode( mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText ) .. '%5D%5D&po=abstract%0ABuNayApproach%0ABuNayCopyright%0ABuNayFeatured%0ABuNayGrade%0ABuNayInteractive%0ABuNayKanoAvailable%0ABuNayKanoCitation%0ABuNayKarlDescription%0ABuNayLevel%0ABuNayMediaQual%0ABuNayNotes%0ABuNayPageType%0ABuNayRating%0ABuNayRelevance%0ABuNaySourceInfo%0ABuNayTitle%0ABuNayTopicTags%0Acitation%0Acontributors%0Acopyright%0ACreatorRaw%0Adirector%0ADrlPublisher%0Aduration%0ADescription%0AEvent%0Aeventdate%0Afrontcoverimg%0AFulltitle%0AItemUrl%0Alanguage%0ALocalMediaFile%0Alocation%0AMediaContentType%0AMediaCreationDate%0Amediaformat%0AMediaLocation%0AMediaSeries%0Aorganization%0Apdflink%0APerformer%0APerformerRaw%0Aproducer%0Arelatedpages%0AStreamingService%0Asubclass%0Asubtitle%0ATibetanContent%0ATibetanDescription%0ATibetanTitle%0Atotalvolumes%0Atranslator%0AVideoNumberInEvent%0AVideoStreamID%0AVideoTotalNumberInEvent%0Avolumenumber%0AWebsite%0AWebsiteLabel%0AWebsiteName%0AEncodedAbstract%0AAuthorlibwiki&p%5Bformat%5D=csv',
	data = {
		abstract = 'abstract' ,
		Authorlibwiki = 'Authorlibwiki' ,
		BuNayApproach = 'BuNayApproach' ,
		BuNayCopyright = 'BuNayCopyright' ,
		BuNayFeatured = 'BuNayFeatured' ,
		BuNayGrade = 'BuNayGrade' ,
		BuNayInteractive = 'BuNayInteractive' ,
		BuNayKanoAvailable = 'BuNayKanoAvailable' ,
		BuNayKanoCitation = 'BuNayKanoCitation' ,
		BuNayKarlDescription = 'BuNayKarlDescription' ,
		BuNayLevel = 'BuNayLevel' ,
		BuNayMediaQual = 'BuNayMediaQual' ,
		BuNayNotes = 'BuNayNotes' ,
		BuNayPageType = 'BuNayPageType' ,
		BuNayRating = 'BuNayRating' ,
		BuNayRelevance = 'BuNayRelevance' ,
		BuNaySourceInfo = 'BuNaySourceInfo' ,
		BuNayTitle = 'BuNayTitle' ,
		BuNayTopicTags = 'BuNayTopicTags' ,
		citation = 'citation' ,
		contributors = 'contributors' ,
		copyright = 'copyright' ,
		CreatorRaw = 'CreatorRaw' ,
		director = 'director' ,
		DrlPublisher = 'DrlPublisher' ,
		duration = 'duration' ,
		EncodedAbstract = 'EncodedAbstract' ,
		Description = 'Description' ,
		Event = 'Event' ,
		Eventdate = 'eventdate' ,
		frontcoverimg = 'frontcoverimg' ,
		Fulltitle = 'Fulltitle' ,
		ItemUrl = 'ItemUrl' ,
		language = 'language' ,
		LocalMediaFile = 'LocalMediaFile' ,
		location = 'location' ,
		MediaContentType = 'MediaContentType' ,
		MediaCreationDate = 'MediaCreationDate' ,
		mediaformat = 'mediaformat' ,
		MediaLocation = 'MediaLocation' ,
		MediaSeries = 'MediaSeries' ,
		organization = 'organization' ,
		pdflink = 'pdflink' ,
		Performer = 'Performer' ,
		PerformerRaw = 'PerformerRaw' ,
		producer = 'producer' ,
		relatedpages = 'relatedpages' ,
		StreamingService = 'StreamingService' ,
		subclass = 'subclass' ,
		subtitle = 'subtitle' ,
		TibetanContent = 'TibetanContent' ,
		TibetanDescription = 'TibetanDescription' ,
		TibetanTitle = 'TibetanTitle' ,
		totalvolumes = 'totalvolumes' ,
		translator = 'translator' ,
		VideoNumberInEvent = 'VideoNumberInEvent' ,
		VideoStreamID = 'VideoStreamID' ,
		VideoTotalNumberInEvent = 'VideoTotalNumberInEvent' ,
		volumenumber = 'volumenumber' ,
		Website = 'Website' ,
		WebsiteLabel = 'WebsiteLabel' ,
		WebsiteName = 'WebsiteName'
	format = 'CSV with header'