Three Texts on Madhyamaka by Shakya Chokden

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Three Texts on Madhyamaka by Shakya Chokden

Madhyamaka Philosophy of Shakya Chokden (gSer-mdog pan-chen sha-kya mchog-ldan) 1428–1507, translated by Komarovski laroslav includes three major treatises on Madhyamaka philosophy.

   i. The Wish-fulfilling Meru: A Discourse Explaining the Origination of Madhyamaka (dBu-ma'i byung-tshul rnam-par bshad-pa'i gtam yid-bzhin lhun-po),

   ii. Drop of Nectar of Definitive Meaning: Entering the Gate to the Essential Points of the Two Truth[s] (bDen-pa gnyis-kyi gnas-la 'jug-pa nges-don bdud-rtsi thigs-pa), and

   iii. Great Ship of Discrimination that Sails into the Ocean of Definitive Meaning: A Treatise Differentiating the Tenets of Prāsaṅgika and Svātantrika Madhyamaka (sBu-ma thal-rang gi grub-mtha'i rnam-par dbye-ba'i bstan-bcos nges-don gyi rgya-mtshor 'jug-pa'i rnam-dpyod kyi gru-chen).

      The Wish-fulfilling Meru attempts in presenting in a lucid and concise way the Madhyamaka view including the Tantrik-madhyamaka, and its spread in India and Tibet. Drop of Definitive Meaning, through its brief yet succinct explanation guides us in entering the spheres of definitive meaning by means of understanding the two truth[s]—the conventional truth and the ultimate truth. Great Ship of Discrimination that sails into the Ocean of Definitive Meaning extensively explains the divergence of Madhyamaka into Svātantrika and Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka, their philosophical views, and their interpretation of various concepts. In all, this anthology gives a general presentation of Madhyamaka schools and their views according to the great Sakyapa master. (Source: back cover)

Citation Komarovski, Yaroslav. Three Texts on Madhyamaka by Shakya Chokden. Dharamsala, India: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 2000.

Publisher's Note Translator's Note Contents Part One: Wish Fulfilling Meru vii ix INTRODUCTORY PRESENTATION OF MADHYAMAKA 2 I. Definition of the Middle Path 2 II. Explanation of the Defined Term 2 A. Identification of Extremes 2 1. Identification in General 3 2. Identification in this Case 3 3. Refutation of Objections 5 B. Identification of the Path 5 C. Establishment of the Path as "The Middle" 6 DISCUSSION OF V ARIOUS TYPES OF MADHYAMAKA 7 III. Divisions of the Basis of Definition 7 A. Brief Presentation of Divisions 7 1. The Nature of Divisions 7 2. The Sources of Divisions 7 3. Showing Others' Assertions as Narrow 8 THE ORIGINATION OF MADHYAMAKA IN INDIA 9 B. Extensive Explanation 9 1. How Madhyamaka Treatises were Composed 9 THE SPREADING OF MADHYAMAKA IN TIBET 21 2. I-:ow Madhyamaka Treatises Came to Tibet 21 CONCLUDING DISCUSSION 31 3. Concluding [the Text] with a Little Refutation and Establishment 31

Part Two: Drop of Nectar of Definitive Meaning I. The Way of Entering the Great Mansion of Defifnitive Meaning through Acceptance of the False Truth 38

II. The Way of Entering the Great Mansion of Definitive Meaning through Acceptance of the Ultimate Truth 40 A. How to Practice at the Time of Severing Conceptual Elaborations by the View 40 B. How to Proceed at the Time of Applying Conventions by Know ledge-Expressions of Aryas 40 Part Three: Great Ship of Discrimination that Sails into the Ocean of Definitive Mea:nillg~ I. Brief Presentation 44 II. Extensive Explanation 44 A. How the Prasangika and Svatantrika Branches Diverged 45 B. The Explanation of the Differences of their Tenets 46 1. The Presentation of My Own Tradition 46 2. Refutation of Traditions of Others 49 Appendices: An Outline Notes Glossary Bibliography 54 57 86 99

  1. shAkya mchog ldan. dbu ma'i byung tshul rnam par bshad pa'i gtam yid bzhin lhun po. In gsung 'bum shAkya mchog ldan, vol. 4: 209-248. New Delhi: ngawang topgyel, 1995. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg
  2. ________. bden pa gnyis kyi gnas la 'jug pa nges don bdud rtsi thigs pa. In gsung 'bum shAkya mchog ldan, vol. 4: 375-381. New Delhi: ngawang topgyel, 1995. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg
  3. ________. dbu ma thal rang gi grub pa'i mtha' rnam par dbye ba'i bstan bcos nges don gyi rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i rnam dpyod kyi gru chen. In gsung 'bum shAkya mchog ldan, vol. 4: 399-407. New Delhi: ngawang topgyel, 1995. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg