- Contents 5
- Prologue 8
- Section One: Understanding the rDzogs chen Distinctions 17
- Part I Background18
- Introduction: the Distinctions as a Window on Classical rDzogs chen18
- 1. Two Principal Distinctions: Sems/Ye shes and Kun gzhi/Chos sku18
- 2. The Place of the Distinctions in Classical rNying ma Soteriology24
- 3. The Disclosive Paradigm27
- 4. On the Obscure Origins of the sNying thig System30
- 5. The Lives and Works of Four Major rDzogs chen Figures35
- 5.1 Vimalamitra35
- 5.2 gNyags Jñānakumāra37
- 5.3 gNubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes40
- 5.4 Klong chen rab ’byams43
- 6. Previous Studies and Scope of Present Work 53
- Introduction: the Distinctions as a Window on Classical rDzogs chen18
- Part II The Problem of Knowledge: The Sems/Ye shes Distinction57
- The Nature and Scope of the Mind/Primordial Knowing Distinction57
- Part I Background18
1. The Scope of the Distinction 57 2. The rDzogs chen sNying thig Analysis of Mind (sems) 66 2.1 Dualism 67 2.2 Ignorance 69 2.3 Reification 74 3. The rDzogs chen sNying thig Analysis of Ye shes and Related Concepts 78 3.1 rDzogs chen Intepretations of Sems nyid 79 3.2 rDzogs chen Interpretation of Rig pa and Rang rig 86 3.3 rDzogs chen Interpretation of Ye shes 99 4. Concluding Remarks: Reframing the Two Truths 111
- Classical Justifications of the Mind/Primordial Knowing Distinction 120
1. Why the Distinction? 12Q 2. Some Consequences of Not Distinguishing Mind and Primordial Knowing 123 3. Criticisms of the Cessation of Jñāna Doctrine 127 4. Clarifications and Transcendental Arguments 133 Part III The Problem of the Ground: The Kun gzhi/Chos sku Distinction 140
- The Ground in Early rDzogs chen (8th to 11th c.) 140
1. Background 140 2. Two Dimensions of the Ground Problem 142 3. The Yogācāra Model: Scope and Limitations 147 4. Toward a Primordially Unaffected Ground of Consciousnesss 15Q
- Ye shes sde’s Eighth Century Synthesis of Yogācāra and Tathāgatagarbha Views 160
5. Conceptual History of the Ground in Early rDzogs chen 163 5.1 Soteriological Context of the Ground 163 5.2 A Typology of the Ground in early rDzogs chen 163 (a) Ground as the Nature of Mind (sems nyid, ye shes, rig pa) 168 (b) Ground as the Nature of Reality (de bzhin nyid, de kho na nyid, chos nyid) 170 (c) Ground as Buddha Nature (bde gshegs snying po, byang chub snying po) 173
- Distinguishing the sNying thig Ground of Freedom (grol gzhi) 183
1. Stages of Differentiating the Sütric and rDzogs chen Grounds 183 1.1 Identity: Ground as Common Source of Samsära and Nirväna 185 1.2 Divergence: Conflicting Interpretations of Kun Gzhi 189 1.3 Difference: Clearly Distinguishing the Grounds 192 2. A Central Problem: Does Errancy Exist in The Ground? 198 2.1 The Response of gNyags Jñānakumāra (8th Century) 199 2.2 The Response of Rog Bande Shes rab ’od (12th Century) 2Q1 2.3 The Response of Klong chen rab ’byams pa (14th Century) 2Q3 3. The sNying thig Primordial Ground and its Critics 2Q6 3.1 The Abiding versus Metaphysical Grounds 207 3.2 Mi bskyod rdo rje’s Critique and rNying ma Responses 213 4. Concluding Remarks: The rDzogs chen Idea of Freedom 217 Part IV The Problem of the Path: Implications of the Sems/Ye shes Distinction 222
- rNying ma Path Hermeneutics and the Problem of Reconciliation 222
1. Overview: Bridging the Vehicles 226 2. The Problem of Gradualism in rNying ma Perspective 229 3. Nature and Scope of the Reconciliation Problem 231 For Tsadra Internal Use Only 3.1 The Exegetical Dimension: Doctrinal Synthesis and Narrative Unity 251
- Comparison with gSar ma Path Summaries of Atiśa, sGam po pa, Tsong kha pa 257
3.2 The Hermeneutical Dimension: Intemalizing the Path 245 4. rNying ma Soteriological Schemes: From Soteriology to Aletheiology 249 4.1 The Path as Emancipation Process and Clearing Process 249 4.2 Yon tan rgya mtsho on Disciplines (sdom) as Stages of Refinement 255
- rDzogs chen Transformations of the Path 255
1. The rDzogs chen Path Without Progression (bgrod du med pa 7 lam) 255 2. Where the Ladder Ends: A Path Beyond Its Representations 264 Section Two: Tibetan Texts and Translations 267 1. Klong chen pa’s Sems dang ye shes kyi dris lan 268 1.1 Introductory Remarks 268 1.2 Translation: A Reply to Questions Conceming Mind and Primordial Knowing 269 1.3 Sources and Conventions Used in Preparing Critial Edition 289 1.3 A Critical Edition of Sems dang ye shes kyi dris lan 290 2. Klong chen pa’s Theg mchog mdzod (excerpts) 5QQ 2.1 Introductory Remarks 500 2.2 Translation: Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle (excerpts) 5Q1 2.3 Sources and Conventions Used in Preparing Edited Text 515 2.4 Edited Text of Theg mchog mdzod XIV (excerpts) 516 3. ’Jigs med gling pa’s Yon tan mdzod XII.9-13 with Yon tan rgya mtsho’s Commentary 527 3.1 Introductory Remarks 527 3.2 Translation: Treasury of Qualities XII.9-23 with Commentary (excerpts) 527 3.3 Sources and Conventions Used in Preparing Edited Text 555 3.4 Edited Text of Yon tan mdzod XII.9-13 and Commentary 555 Bibliography and Abbreviations 541 Index 560