
From Buddha-Nature

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#[['jam mgon kong sprul]]. [[rgyu mtshan nyid theg pa rnam par gzhag pa’i skabs]] from [[shes bya mtha' yas pa'i rgya mtsho]], Book Six, part three, Vol. 2: 444-569. Delhi: [[Shechen Publications]], 1997. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[[Gorampa]] ([[go rams pa bsod nams seng ge]]): [[lta ba'i shan 'byed theg mchog gnad kyi zla zer]] compiled from three different sources: ##The Complete Works of [[Go ram bsod nams seng ge]] (vol. 3) in [[Sa skya pa'i bka' 'bum]]: The Complete Works of the Great Masters of the Sa skya Sect of Tibetan Buddhism (vol. 13), compiled by [[bsod nams rgya mtsho]] (Tokyo: The Tõyö Bunko, 1968), 47 folios. ##[[lta ba'i shan 'byed theg mchog gnad kyi zla zer]] ([[Distinguishing the Views]] by [[Gorampa bsod nams seng ge]]), published together with [[rtags kyi rnam bzhag rigs lam gsal ba'i sgron me]] of [[mkhan chen bsod nams lhun grub]] (Sarnath: Sakya Students' Union, 1988—date of preface), pp. 1-154. ##An unidentified mechanical reproduction of a handwritten text in the collection of the library of the Institut für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets, Hamburg (access number MIV 345/6, catalogued 1968?), most likely printed in Buxa Duar, India in the early 1960s, 42 folios. ###(Above sources not found), see also: [[Gorampa]] ([[go rams pa bsod nams seng ge]]): [[lta ba'i shan 'byed theg mchog gnad kyi zla zer]]. In [[gsung 'bum bsod nams seng+ge]], Vol 5: 417-510. Dehra Dun: [[sakya college]], 1979. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[[Mi pham rgya mtsho]]. [[mkhas pa'i tshul la 'jug pa'i sgo zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos]]. Bylakuppe: [[ngagyur nyingma institute]], 1998. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[['Bri gung skyob pa 'jig rten mgon po]]; [['Bri gung spyan snga shes rab 'byung gnas]]. ''[[Dam chos dgongs pa gcig pa]]''. In '''Bri gung bka' brgyud chos mdzod chen mo'', Vol. 38: 181-219. Lhasa, 2004. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] #[[Drikung Chungtsang, 1st]], (Chos kyi grags pa). ''[[Dam pa'i chos dgongs pa gcig pa'i dka' 'grel tshigs su bcad pa mun sel sgron me]]''. In ''Gsung 'bum/ chos kyi grags pa'', Vol. 3: 383-478. Kulhan: Drikung Kagyu Institute, 1999.[[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[[Chöpel, Gendün]], [[A mdo dge 'dun chos 'phel]], [[དགེ་འདུན་ཆོས་འཕེལ ]]. [[rgyal khams rig pas bskor ba’i gtam rgyud gser gyi thang ma]]. In [[gsung 'bum dge 'dun chos 'phel]], Vol. 1: 1-426. Lhasa: [[bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang]], 1990. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
[[Tsong kha pa]], ed. ''[[Dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i bla brgyud gsol 'debs dang bdag bskyed dga' don dpal ldan stod rgyud grwa tshang gi 'don rgyun rje thams cad mkhyen pas zhus dag mdzad pa]]''. In ''rgyud stod grwa tshang gi chos spyod'', Vol. 4: 107-166. Tenzin Gang: Rgyud-stod Tantric College, 1975-1977. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]  +
#[[rtse le sna tshogs rang grol]], ([[རྩེ་ལེ་སྣ་ཚོགས་རང་གྲོལ་]]). [[chos thams cad kyi snying po phyag rgya chen po'i don yang dag par rab tu gsal bar byed pa dri ma med pa'i sgron ma]] (ཆོས་ཐམས་ཅད་ཀྱི་སྙིང་པོ་ཕྱག་རྒྱ་ཆེན་པོའི་དོན་ཡང་དག་པར་རབ་ཏུ་གསལ་བར་བྱེད་པ་དྲི་མ་མེད་པའི་སྒྲོན་མ་). In [[gsung 'bum sna tshogs rang grol]], Vol. 2: 1-87. New Delhi: [[sanje dorji]], 1974. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] #________. [[nges don gyi lta sgom nyams su len tshul ji ltar bar ston pa rdo rje'i mdo 'dzin]] (ངེས་དོན་གྱི་ལྟ་སྒོམ་ཉམས་སུ་ལེན་ཚུལ་ཇི་ལྟར་བར་སྟོན་པ་རྡོ་རྗེའི་མདོ་འཛིན་). In [[gsung 'bum sna tshogs rang grol]], Vol. 2: 89-137. New Delhi: [[sanje dorji]], 1974. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-79">Lua error in Module:GetMediaValue at line 1: Module:MediaData returned boolean, table expected.</span></strong>  +
[[rdo rje shes rab]]. ''[[Dam pa'i chos dgongs pa gcig pa'i 'grel chen snang mdzad ye shes sgron me]]''. Shang kang: Shang kang then mA dpe skrun khang gis bskrun zhing bkram, 2006. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]  +
#[[Nāgārjuna]]. [[Dharmadhātustava]] ([[chos kyi dbyings su bstod pa]]), (D 1118) [[bstod tshogs]], ka 63b5-67b3, Otani: (P2010), [[bstod tshogs]], ka 73a7-77b8 (vol.46, p.31), (Tōh. 1118), ka 63b5-67b3. (N) ka 70a1-74b4. (Kinsha) 10, ka 90b1 (p.47-1-1) In [[bstan 'gyur (sde dge)]], Vol. 1: 126-134. Delhi: [[delhi karmapae choedhey, gyalwae sungrab partun khang]], 1982-1985. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] [ Columbia AIBS] #[[rang byung rdo rje]]. [[dbu ma chos dbyings bstod pa'i rnam par bshad pa]]. In ##[[gsung 'bum rang byung rdo rje]], Vol. 7: 1-125. Zi ling: [[mtshur phu mkhan po lo yag bkra shis]], 2006. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] ##[[mdo sngags mtshams sbyor]]. Lan kru’u: [[kan su’u mi rigs dpe skrun khang]], 2003: 219–321. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] ##[[mngon rtogs rgyan gyi sa bcad snang byed sgron me dang skabs brgyad kyi stong thun dang dbu ma chos dbyings bstod pa rnam bshad]]. Sarnath: [[Vajra Vidya Institute]], 2004: 157–312. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
[[PaN chen shAkya mchog ldan]]. [[byams chos lnga'i nges don rab tu gsal ba]] (introductory chapter). In [[gsung 'bum shAkya mchog ldan]]. TBRC W23200. 11: 7 - 43. New Delhi: [[Nagwang Topgyel]], 1995. [$W23200]  +
[[Mi pham rgya mtsho]]. Partial translations of the following works, listed in order of appearance: # ''Words That Delight Guru Mañjughoṣa: Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way [dbu ma rgyan gyi rnam bshad 'jam byangs bla ma dgyes pa'i zhal lung]''. In ''[[dbu ma rgyan rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1990: 88. # ''[[Light of the Sun]] [brgal lan nyin byed snang ba]''. In ''[[spyod 'jug sher 'grel ke ta ka]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1993: 276-278. # ''[[Lion's Roar: Exposition of Buddha-Nature]] [bde gshegs snying po'i stong thun chen mo seng ge'i nga ro]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 4 (pa), 585-586. # ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [[spyi don 'od gsal snying po]] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 461-462. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000. # ''A Feast on the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle: Commentary on the Ornament of the Great Vehicle Sutras [theg pa chen po mdo sde'i rgyan gyi dgongs don rnam par bshad pa theg mchog bdud rtsi'i dga'ston]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 2 (a), 102-103. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''Words That Delight Guru Mañjughoṣa: Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way [dbu ma rgyan gyi rnam bshad 'jam byangs bla ma dgyes pa'i zhal lung]''. In ''[[dbu ma rgyan rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1990: 470-472. # ''[[Beacon of Certainty]] [nges shes sgron me]''. In ''[[nges shes sgron me rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1997: 13. # ''Light of Wisdom: Commentary on Distinguishing Phenomena and Suchness [chos dang chos nyid rnam 'byed 'grel pa ye shes snang ba]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 4 (pa), 626-627. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''A Feast on the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle: Commentary on the Ornament of the Great Vehicle Sutras [theg pa chen po mdo sde'i rgyan gyi dgongs don rnam par bshad pa theg mchog bdud rtsi'i dga'ston]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 2 (a), 96-101. # ''Commentary on the Wisdom Chapter of [[the Way of the Bodhisattva]] [spyod 'jug sher 'grel ke ta ka]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1993: 30-31. # ''Words That Delight Guru Mañjughoṣa: Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way [dbu ma rgyan gyi rnam bshad 'jam byangs bla ma dgyes pa'i zhal lung]''. In ''[[dbu ma rgyan rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1990: 99. # ''Words That Delight Guru Mañjughoṣa: Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way [dbu ma rgyan gyi rnam bshad 'jam byangs bla ma dgyes pa'i zhal lung]''. In ''[[dbu ma rgyan rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1990: 97. # ''[[Commentary on the Words of the Eighteenth Chapter]] [of the Wish-Fulfilling Treasury] [le'u bco brgyad pa'i tshig 'grel]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 21: 566-570. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''[[Lion's Roar: Exposition of Buddha-Nature]] [bde gshegs snying po'i stong thun chen mo seng ge'i nga ro]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 4 (pa), 575-579. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''[[Trilogy of Innate Mind]] [gnyug sems skor gsum]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 24, 526-528. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''[[Trilogy of Innate Mind]] [gnyug sems skor gsum]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 24, 490-491. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [spyi don 'od gsal snying po] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 457-459. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000. # ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [spyi don 'od gsal snying po] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 447-448. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000. # ''Advice for Beginners [las dang po pa la 'dams pa]''. In ''Dispelling the Darkness in the Hearts of Fortunate Ones: A Compilation of Mipam's Definitive Meaning Advice'', 186-87. Serta: Serta Buddhist Academy of the Five Arts, n.d. # ''A Talk to Monastics [dgon sde rnams la gtam du bya ba]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 23: 267-69. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''Concise Points of Bringing Illusion onto the Path: Advice for Practitioners [dge sbyong rnams lag tam du bya ba]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 23: 274-77. # ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [spyi don 'od gsal snying po] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 479-485. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000. # ''Stillness, Movement, and Awareness in the Great Seal [phyag chen pa'i gnas 'gyu rig gsum]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27: 22-23. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''Wisdom Essence: The Method for Sustaining the Nature of Awareness [rig ngo skyong thabs ye shes syning po]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27: 218-20. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''A Quintessential Instruction on the Vital Point in Three Statements [tshig gsum gnad kyi man ngag)''. In ''Mipam's Collected Works'', vol. 27: 134. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''[[Concise Summary of the Philosophies from the Wish-Fulfilling Treasury]] [yid bzhin mdzod kyi grub mtha' bsdus pa]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 21: 498-500. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [spyi don 'od gsal snying po] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 520-522. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000. # ''[[Trilogy of Innate Mind]] [gnyug sems skor gsum]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 24, 446-450. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''[[Discourse on the Eight Commands]] [bka' brgyad rnam bshad]''. In ''[[bka' brgyad rnam bshad]] dang spyi don od gsal snying po yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzhugs'', 43-46. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000. # ''Sword of Intelligence: Method for Meditating on Bodhicitta [byang chub kyi sems sgom pa'i thabs blo yi ral gri]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27,491-94. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''Lily of Wisdom's Presence [ye shes grub pa'i utpal]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27: 479-83. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987. # ''Verse of Auspiciousness [gro don bstan pa]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27: 741-43. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.  
#[[rtse le sna tshogs rang grol]]. [[chos thams cad kyi snying po phyag rgya chen po'i don yang dag pa rab tu gsal bar byed pa dri ma med pa'i sgron ma]]. In [[rtse le sna tshogs rang grol gyi gsung gdams zab phyogs bsgrigs]]. Kathmandu: [[khenpo shedup tenzin and lama thinley namgyal]], 2007: 169-268. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[[rtse le sna tshogs rang grol]]. [[chos thams cad kyi snying po phyag rgya chen po'i don yang dag pa rab tu gsal bar byed pa dri ma med pa'i sgron ma]]. In [[rtse le sna tshogs rang grol gyi gsung gdams zab phyogs bsgrigs]]. Kathmandu: [[khenpo shedup tenzin and lama thinley namgyal]], 2007: 169-268. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[[Dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan]]: ##[[bstan pa spyi 'grel]]. [[Bstan pa spyi ’grel zhes bya ba’i gsol ’debs]] (General Commentary on the Doctrine). In [[The Collected Works (Gsung ’bum) of Kun-mkhyen Dol-po-pa Shes-rab rgyal-mtshan (1292-1361): Reproduced from the copies of prints from the Rgyal-rtse Rdzong blocks preserved at the Kyichu Monastery in the Paro Valley, Bhutan]] vol. 1: 686–94. Paro/Delhi: [[Lama Ngodrup]] and [[Sherab Drimay]], 1984. ###Also published in [[the ’Dzam-thang Edition of the Collected Works (Gsung-’bum) of Kun-mkhyen Dol-po-pa Shes-rab rgyal-mtshan]] vol. 7, pt. 1: 494–501. Delhi: [[Shedrup Books]], 1992. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] ##[[bka' bsdu bzhi pa]] (The Fourth Council). [[Bka bsdus bzhi pa’i don bstan rtsis chen po]]. In [[The ’Dzam-thang Edition of the Collected Works (Gsung-’bum) of Kun-mkhyen Dol-po-pa Shes-rab rgyal-mtshan]], vol. 5: 207–52. Delhi: [[Shedrup Books]], 1992. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] ##[[bka' bsdu bzhi pa'i rang 'grel]] (Autocommentary to the “Fourth Council"). [[Bka’ bsdu bzhi pa’i rang ’grel]]. In [[The Collected Works (Gsung ’bum) of Kun-mkhyen Dol-po-pa Shes-rab rgyal-mtshan (1292–1361): Reproduced from the copies of prints from the Rgyal-rtse Rdzong blocks preserved at the Kyichu Monastery in the Paro Valley, Bhutan]] vol. 1: 585–665. Paro/Delhi: [[Lama Ngodrup]] and [[Sherab Drimay]], 1984. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[[Maitreya]]; [[Asaṅga]]. [[mahāyānottaratantraśāstra-ratnagotra-vibhāga]], ([[theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos]]). (P5525), [[sems tsam]], phi 54b7-74b6 (vol.108, p.24-32); (Tōh) 4024, [[sems tsam]], phi 54b1-73a7. (N) phi 48b3-69a3. (Kinsha)3524, phi 64b1 (p.33-3-1). In [[bstan 'gyur (sde dge)]], Vol. 123: 107-146. Delhi: [[delhi karmapae choedhey, gyalwae sungrab partun khang]], 1982-1985. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] [ Columbia AIBS]   +
[[ārya-śrīmālādevī-siṃhanāda-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra]]. [['phags pa lha mo dpal phreng gi seng ge'i sgra zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo]]. (D 92) dkon brtsegs, cha 255a1-277b7 (vol. 44). Translators: Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi, Ye-shes-sde. "lha mo dpal phreng gi seng ge'i sgra'i mdo." In bka' 'gyur (sde dge par phud). [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] W22084. 44: 511 - 556. delhi: delhi karmapae chodhey gyalwae sungrab partun khang, 1976-1979. [ Lhasa Edition] [ AIBS Columbia Database]  +
#''[[Tathāgatagarbhasūtra]]'' - ''[[Āryatathāgatagarbhanāmamahāyānasūtra]]'' - (''[['Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo]]''). In Derge Kangyur D258, [[mdo sde]], vol. 66, za 245b2-259b4. See [ rKTs etexts], [ Columbia AIBS], [ ACIP etexts], [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]].   +
#[[Maitreya]]; [[Asaṅga]]. [[mahāyānottaratantraśāstra-ratnagotra-vibhāga]], ([[theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos]]). (P5525), [[sems tsam]], phi 54b7-74b6 (vol.108, p.24-32); (Tōh) 4024, [[sems tsam]], phi 54b1-73a7. (N) phi 48b3-69a3. (Kinsha)3524, phi 64b1 (p.33-3-1). In [[bstan 'gyur (sde dge)]], Vol. 123: 107-146. Delhi: [[delhi karmapae choedhey, gyalwae sungrab partun khang]], 1982-1985. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
[[Bu ston rin chen grub]]. [[bde gshegs snying po gsal ba'i rgyan]]. #In The Collected Works of Bu-ston, Vol. 20: 1-78. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1865-1971. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] # In gsung 'bum rin chen grub, Vol. 20: 1-78. Lhasa: Zhol par khang, 2000. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] # gsung 'bum rin chen grub (bris ma), Vol. 20: 1-106. Pe cin: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, 2008. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]  +