[[Mi pham rgya mtsho]]. Partial translations of the following works, listed in order of appearance:
# ''Words That Delight Guru Mañjughoṣa: Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way [dbu ma rgyan gyi rnam bshad 'jam byangs bla ma dgyes pa'i zhal lung]''. In ''[[dbu ma rgyan rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1990: 88.
# ''[[Light of the Sun]] [brgal lan nyin byed snang ba]''. In ''[[spyod 'jug sher 'grel ke ta ka]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1993: 276-278.
# ''[[Lion's Roar: Exposition of Buddha-Nature]] [bde gshegs snying po'i stong thun chen mo seng ge'i nga ro]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 4 (pa), 585-586.
# ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [[spyi don 'od gsal snying po]] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 461-462. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000.
# ''A Feast on the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle: Commentary on the Ornament of the Great Vehicle Sutras [theg pa chen po mdo sde'i rgyan gyi dgongs don rnam par bshad pa theg mchog bdud rtsi'i dga'ston]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 2 (a), 102-103. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''Words That Delight Guru Mañjughoṣa: Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way [dbu ma rgyan gyi rnam bshad 'jam byangs bla ma dgyes pa'i zhal lung]''. In ''[[dbu ma rgyan rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1990: 470-472.
# ''[[Beacon of Certainty]] [nges shes sgron me]''. In ''[[nges shes sgron me rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1997: 13.
# ''Light of Wisdom: Commentary on Distinguishing Phenomena and Suchness [chos dang chos nyid rnam 'byed 'grel pa ye shes snang ba]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 4 (pa), 626-627. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''A Feast on the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle: Commentary on the Ornament of the Great Vehicle Sutras [theg pa chen po mdo sde'i rgyan gyi dgongs don rnam par bshad pa theg mchog bdud rtsi'i dga'ston]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 2 (a), 96-101.
# ''Commentary on the Wisdom Chapter of [[the Way of the Bodhisattva]] [spyod 'jug sher 'grel ke ta ka]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1993: 30-31.
# ''Words That Delight Guru Mañjughoṣa: Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way [dbu ma rgyan gyi rnam bshad 'jam byangs bla ma dgyes pa'i zhal lung]''. In ''[[dbu ma rgyan rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1990: 99.
# ''Words That Delight Guru Mañjughoṣa: Commentary on the Ornament of the Middle Way [dbu ma rgyan gyi rnam bshad 'jam byangs bla ma dgyes pa'i zhal lung]''. In ''[[dbu ma rgyan rtsa 'grel]]''. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 1990: 97.
# ''[[Commentary on the Words of the Eighteenth Chapter]] [of the Wish-Fulfilling Treasury] [le'u bco brgyad pa'i tshig 'grel]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 21: 566-570. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''[[Lion's Roar: Exposition of Buddha-Nature]] [bde gshegs snying po'i stong thun chen mo seng ge'i nga ro]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 4 (pa), 575-579. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''[[Trilogy of Innate Mind]] [gnyug sems skor gsum]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 24, 526-528. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''[[Trilogy of Innate Mind]] [gnyug sems skor gsum]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 24, 490-491. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [spyi don 'od gsal snying po] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 457-459. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000.
# ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [spyi don 'od gsal snying po] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 447-448. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000.
# ''Advice for Beginners [las dang po pa la 'dams pa]''. In ''Dispelling the Darkness in the Hearts of Fortunate Ones: A Compilation of Mipam's Definitive Meaning Advice'', 186-87. Serta: Serta Buddhist Academy of the Five Arts, n.d.
# ''A Talk to Monastics [dgon sde rnams la gtam du bya ba]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 23: 267-69. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''Concise Points of Bringing Illusion onto the Path: Advice for Practitioners [dge sbyong rnams lag tam du bya ba]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 23: 274-77.
# ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [spyi don 'od gsal snying po] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 479-485. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000.
# ''Stillness, Movement, and Awareness in the Great Seal [phyag chen pa'i gnas 'gyu rig gsum]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27: 22-23. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''Wisdom Essence: The Method for Sustaining the Nature of Awareness [rig ngo skyong thabs ye shes syning po]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27: 218-20. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''A Quintessential Instruction on the Vital Point in Three Statements [tshig gsum gnad kyi man ngag)''. In ''Mipam's Collected Works'', vol. 27: 134. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''[[Concise Summary of the Philosophies from the Wish-Fulfilling Treasury]] [yid bzhin mdzod kyi grub mtha' bsdus pa]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 21: 498-500. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''Overview: Essential Nature of Luminous Clarity [spyi don 'od gsal snying po]''. In ''bka brgyad rnam bshad dang [spyi don 'od gsal snying po] yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzbugs'', 520-522. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000.
# ''[[Trilogy of Innate Mind]] [gnyug sems skor gsum]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 24, 446-450. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''[[Discourse on the Eight Commands]] [bka' brgyad rnam bshad]''. In ''[[bka' brgyad rnam bshad]] dang spyi don od gsal snying po yang dag grub pa'i tshig 'grel bcas bzhugs'', 43-46. Sichuan, China: [[Nationalities Press]], 2000.
# ''Sword of Intelligence: Method for Meditating on Bodhicitta [byang chub kyi sems sgom pa'i thabs blo yi ral gri]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27,491-94. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''Lily of Wisdom's Presence [ye shes grub pa'i utpal]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27: 479-83. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.
# ''Verse of Auspiciousness [gro don bstan pa]''. In ''Mipam's [[Collected Works]]'', vol. 27: 741-43. Kathmandu, Nepal: Zhechen Monastery, 1987.