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304 Aberdare Road,Montreal Quebec H3P 3K3,Canada
#2206, 402 Bartow Avenue
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144-5591
+ Room 319
Level 3, Education 2
La Trobe University
VIC 3086
+ Ruhr-University Bochum
Univeritätsstr. 134,
Raum 2/23
44780 Bochum
+ Muhlenberg College
Religious Studies Dept.
Moyer Hall, #204
2400 Chew St.
Allentown, PA 18104
+ University of Chicago
Swift Hall 303B
1025 E. 58th St.
Chicago, IL 60637
+ Cornwallis North West 213
+ 3028 Amherst Street, Houston, TX 77005-3008, USA
Office: 221 Humanities Building<br>
Phone: 713-348-2711<br>
+ Department of Classics and Religious Studies
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Louise Pound Hall (LPH) 331K
Lincoln, NE 68588-0337
+ Academy of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University204 Center for Digital Image and Contents 2 Toegye-ro 36-gil, Jung-guSeoul, Republic of Korea 100-272
+ 202 S. Thayer, Suite 6111,Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
+ China Studies Research Centre, ED2, Room 320
College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce
La Trobe University, Victoria 3086, Australia
+ <br>University of Vienna<br>
Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies<br>
Dept. of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies<br>
A-1090 Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2.7<br>
+ 1660 Hollis Street, Suite 205
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 1V7
+ 201 Hunter Street #712<br>
Peterborough Ont K9H 7L6<br>
+ Voglherd 1, D-85567 Grafing, Germany
+ 317 Gray, Durham, NC 27708
Box 90964, Durham, NC 27708-0259
+ Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University