
From Buddha-Nature

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#[[rngog blo ldan shes rab]]: [[theg chen rgyud bla ma'i don bsdus pa]]. In [[bka' gdams gsung 'bum phyogs bsgrigs thengs dang po]], Vol. 1: 289-368. Khreng tu'u: [[si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang]], 2006. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] #[[Maitreya]]; [[Asaṅga]]. [[mahāyānottaratantraśāstra-ratnagotra-vibhāga]], ([[theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos]]) (P5525), [[sems tsam]], phi 54b7-74b6 (vol.108, p.24-32); (Tōh) 4024, [[sems tsam]], phi 54b1-73a7. (N) phi 48b3-69a3. (Kinsha)3524, phi 64b1 (p.33-3-1). In [[bstan 'gyur (sde dge)]], Vol. 123: 106-146. Delhi: [[delhi karmapae choedhey, gyalwae sungrab partun khang]], 1982-1985. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] [ Columbia AIBS]   +
#[[Maitreya]]. [[An Analysis of the Jewel Disposition, A Treatise on the Ultimate Continuum of the Mahāyāna]] - [[mahāyānottaratantraśāstra-ratnagotra-vibhāga]] ([[theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos]]). (D 4024) [[sems tsam]], phi 54b1-73a7. (Q 5525) [[sems tsam]], phi 54b7-74b6 (vol.108, p.24-32); (N 4293) [[sems tsam]], phi 48b3-69a3. In [[bstan 'gyur (sde dge)]], Vol. 123: 107-146. Delhi: [[delhi karmapae choedhey, gyalwae sungrab partun khang]], 1982-1985. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] [ Columbia AIBS]   +
[[Go rams pa bsod nams seng ge]] གོ་རམས་པ་བསོད་ནམས་སེང་གེ. ''sdom pa gsum gyi rab tu dbye ba’i kha skong gzhi lam ‘bras gsum gsal bar byed pa'i legs bshad ‘od kyi snang ba'' (A Supplement to ''The Clear Distinction of Three Vows'', An Illuminating Light of Good Explanation Which Clarifies the Triad: The Basis (''gzhi''), Path (''lam'') and Result ('''bras bu'') ). In gsung 'bum, bsod nams seng ge. Vol. 9: 815–86. (dkar mdzes bod rigs rang skyong khul, sde dge rdzong, rdzong sar khams bye'i slob gling): rdzong sar khams bye'i slob gling, 2004–2014. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]  +
#[[bdud 'joms gling pa]]. [[rang bzhin rdzogs pa chen po'i rang zhal mngon du byed pa'i gdams pa ma bsgom sangs rgyas]]. In [[sprul pa'i gter chen bdud 'joms gling pa'i zab gter gsang ba'i chos sde]], Vol. 16: 291-358. Thimphu: [[lama kuenzang wangdue]], 2004. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[['jam mgon kong sprul]]. [[shes bya kun khyab mdzod]], [[The Infinite Ocean of Knoweldge]] ([[shes bya mtha' yas pa'i rgya mtsho]]), Books Two, Three and Four. Delhi: [[Shechen Publications]], 1997. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] ##Also Beijing: [[People's Press]], 2002 (paperback edition). Further citation not given. ##[[rdo rje rgyal po and thub bstan nyi ma]], eds. 3 vols. Beijing: [[mi rigs dpe skrun khang]], 1982/1985. ##[[Duff, T.|Lotsawa Tony Duff]], [[Padma Karpo Translation Committee]], ed. "[[The Treasury which is an Encyclopedia of Knowledge]]." Published electronically by PKTC, 2003. [ PKTC]   +
#[[Bodhiruci]]: [[Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśaparivarta]] ([[e Fóshūo bù zēng bù jiǎn jīng 佛 説不増不減經]]). No citation in AIBS as the text exists only in Chinese and Sanskrit fragments quoted in sources.   +
See Bibliography pgs 307-311 for details on the translations.  +
#[[Tsoknyi Rinpoche]]. Oral Teachings given in 1996 at Rangjung Yeshe Gomdé, Denmark and Nagi Gompa, Nepal.   +
The database of Chinese Buddhist Texts lists this as Taisho 1857:45.145b28 [ Pao-tsang lun]. The author states, on p. 140: "The Taishō edition used for the current translation was compiled on the basis of two woodblock editions: (1) the text contained in the Leng-yen temple edition of the Chinese canon... and (2) a printed Japanese edition that belonged to the library of Shūkyō University..."  +
#[['jam mgon kong sprul]]. [[theg pa'i sgo kun las btus pa gsung rab rin po che'i mdzod bslab pa gsum legs par ston pa'i bstan bcos shes bya kun khyab]]. Pe cin: [[mi rigs dpe skrun khang]], 2002. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#Various public talks given by [[Dudjom Rinpoche]] in 1962, the 1970's and 80's.   +
#[['jam mgon kong sprul]]. [[lam zhugs kyi gang zag las dang po pa la phan pa'i bskyed rdzogs gnad bsdus]]. Kathmandu: [[rigpe dorje publications]], 2008. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi-Sūtra (Kŭmgang Sammaegyŏng Non)  +
#[['jam mgon kong sprul]]. [[gzhan stong dbu ma chen po'i lta khrid rdo rje zla ba dri ma med pa'i 'od zer]]. In [['jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas kyi gsung 'bum rgya chen bka' mdzod]], Vol. 5: 747 - 777. Delhi: [[Shechen Publications]], 2002. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[[Maitreya]] ([[byams pa]]): [[Dharmadharmatāvibhāga]], ([[chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa]]), D 4023. Translator(s):Śāntibhadra, Tshul-khrims-rgyal-ba. Reviser: R. Pandit Parahita, Dgah rdor. Recensions: Derge (sde dge): (D 4022) sems tsam, phi 46b1-49a6; Peking (pe cin): (Q 5523) sems tsam, phi 48b1-51b6 (vol.108, p.21-22) ; Narthang (snar thang): (N 4291) sems tsam, phi 42a6-45b3. In [[bstan 'gyur (sde dge)]], Vol. 123: 99-107. Delhi: [[delhi karmapae choedhey, gyalwae sungrab partun khang]], 1982-1985. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] [ Columbia AIBS] #[[Mi pham rgya mtsho]]. [[Chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa'i 'grel pa ye shes snang ba rnam 'byed]]. In Sde-dge dgon-chen Prints of the Writings of 'Jam-mgon 'Ju Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho, ed. Dilgo Khyentse, vol. 4, 609-657. Kathmandu: [[Shechen Monastery]],1990. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] #[[Gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba]]. [[Chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa'i mchan 'grel]], ed. Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche. Berkeley: [[Yeshe De Project]], 1999. See also [[gzhung chen bcu gsum]], Vol. 3: 1-22. Delhi: Konchhog Lhadrepa, 1983. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
[[Sprul sku mi 'gyur rdo rje]]; [[Rig 'dzin kun bzang shes rab]]. ''[[Gnam chos rdzogs chen sangs rgyas lag 'chang gi sngon 'gro'i khrid yig 'bring po]]''. In ''Snga 'gyur rgyal ba dpal yul ba'i ri chos gsum gyi khrid yig'', Vol. 1: 1-290. Khreng tu'u: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2007. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]  +
#[[Rong zom chos kyi bzang po]]. [[theg pa chen po'i tshul la 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos]]. In [[rong zom chos bzang gi gsung 'bum]], Vol. 1: 415-555. Chengdu: [[Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang]], 1999. [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +
#[[The Treasury of Knowledge]] ([[Shes bya mdzod]]). Root text: [[The Encompassment of All Knoweldge]] ([[shes bya kun khyab]]). Autocommentary: [[The Infinite Ocean of Knoweldge]] ([[shes bya mtha' yas pa'i rgya mtsho]]). ##Text 1: [[rdo rje rgyal po and thub bstan nyi ma]], eds. 3 vols. Beijing: [[mi rigs dpe skrun khang]], 1982/1985. ##Text 2: [['Jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse]], ed. 4 vols. [[Shechen Monastery]], Nepal: [[snga 'gyur snying ma]], n.d. ##Text 3: [[Duff, T.|Lotsawa Tony Duff]], [[Padma Karpo Translation Committee]], ed. "[[The Treasury which is an Encyclopedia of Knowledge]]." Published electronically by PKTC, 2003. [ PKTC]   +
#''[[Fanwang jing]]'' - *''[[Brahmajālasūtra]]'' - (''[[Chos kyi rgya mo sangs rgyas rnam par snang mdzad kyis byang chub sems dpa'i sems kyi gnas bshad pa le'u bcu pa]]''). (D 256) mdo sde, za 74a4-91a7 (vol. 66). [ rKTs], [ Columbia AIBS], [ ACIP], [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]. #[[Taehyŏn]]. [[梵網經古迹記]]. ''[[Beommanggyeong gojeokgi]]''. T1815, 40:   +
#[[Klong chen pa]]. Sems nyid ngal gso and Shing rta chen po. Root text and autocommentary. Gangtok: [[Dodrupchen]], 1975? See [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]] #_____. [[Ngal gso skor gsum gyi spyi don legs bshad rgya mtsho]]. Gangtok: [[Dodrupchen]], 1975? See [[File:Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg|class=bdrc-button|x40px|link=]]   +