12. Luminous Clarity and the Completion Phase of Union
bb. The Ultimate: The Great-Seal Completion Phase of Luminous
Clarity [II .B.2.d.iii.bb]
1' The Preamble
2' The Detailed Exposition
a' The Meanings of Luminous Clarity
b' Meditation on Luminous Clarity
i' Meditation Methods
ii' The Contemplations of the Eight Freedoms
cc. The Inseparability [of the Relative and Ultimate]: The Completion
Phase of Union
1' Distinctions Within Union
2' The Method of Meditation on Union
[This chapter concludes the description of the three key elements of the completion phase. Presented now are part two: the ultimate, the completion phase of the great seal of luminous clarity; and part three, the inseparability of the relative and ultimate, the completion phase of union.] Part two, the ultimate, the completion phase of the great seal of luminous clarity, begins with a preamble followed by a detailed exposition.
The Preamble [1']
'The ultimate, the great-seal completion phase of luminous clarity, is as follows:
[Here] is presented the completion phase of the great seal of luminous clarity, which strikes the crucial point with respect to the ultimate nature [of things].
The Detailed Exposition [2']
This section has two parts: a general elucidation of the essential meanings [of luminous clarity] to be understood; and a discussion specifically on the subject of meditation [on luminous clarity].