- Abbreviationsviii
- Prefaceix
- Introduction1
- General Remarks1
- A Summary of the Amanasikāra Cycle and the
*Mahāmudrākanakamālā7 - Maitrlpa’s Life Story in the ‘Bri gang bKa’ brgyud chos mdzod23
- The Collection of Texts on Non-conceptual Realization
(The Amanasikära Cycle)41- 1. The Destruction of Wrong Views (Kudrstinirghätana)41
- 2. A Commentary on the [Initial] Statement of "The Destruction of Wrong Views" (Kudrstinirghātavākyatippinikā)51
- 3. The Major Offences (Mūlūpattayah)55
- 4. The Gross Offences (Sthūlāpattayah)57
- 5. A Jewel Garland of True Reality (Tattvaratndvalī)59
- 6. Explaining the Seals of the Five Tathāgatas
(Pañcatathāgatamudrāvivaraṇa)95 - 7. A Presentation of Empowerment (Sekanirdeśa)107
- 8. The Succession of the Four Seals (Caturmudrānvaya)119
- 9. A Summary of the Meaning of Empowerment (Sekatātparyasaṃgraha)133
- 10. The Five Aspects [of Vajrasattva] ([Vajrasattva-]Pañcākāra)147
- 11. A Discourse on Illusion (Māyānirukti)155
- 12. A Discourse on Dream (Svapnanirukti)159
- 13. An Elucidation of True Reality (Tattvaprakāśa)163
- 14. An Elucidation of Non-Abiding (Apratiṣṭhānaprakāśa)169
- 15. An Elucidation of [the Term] "Indivisible union" (Yuganaddhaprakāśa)175
- 16. The Manifestation of Great Bliss (Mahāsukhaprakāśa)181
- 17. The Twenty Verses on True Reality (Tattvaviṃśikā)187
- 18. The Twenty Verses on Mahāyāna (Mahāyānaviṃśikā)193
- 19. The Five Verses on Penetrating Insight (Nirvedhapañcaka)199
- 20. The Six Verses on the Middle [Path] (Madhyamaṣaṭka)203
- 21. The Five [Verses on Transcendent] Love (Premapañcaka)207
- 22. The Ten Verses on True Reality (Tattvadaśaka)211
- 23. A Justification of Non-conceptual Realization (Amanasikārādhāra)241
- 24. The Six Verses on the Co-emergent (Sahajaṣaṭka)259
- 25. A Pith Instruction on Reality Called A Treasure of Dohas (*Dohānidhināmatattvopadeśa)263
- 26. A Pith Instruction on Settling the Mind Without Becoming Engaged
in the Thought Processes of Projecting and
Gathering—A Genuine Secret
(Shes pa spro bsdu med par 'jog pa 'i man ngag gsang ba dam pa)269
- 27. A Golden Garland of Mahāmudrā (*Mahāmudrākanakamālā)273
- Conclusion315
Edition of the Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts 319 General Remarks 319 1. Kudrstinirghätana 323 2. Kudrstinirghätaväkyatippinikä 333 3. Müläpattayah 337 4. Sthüläpattayah 339 5. TattvaratnävalT. 341 6. Pahcatathägatamudrävivarana 371 7. Sekanirdesa 385 8. Caturmudränvaya 389 9. Sekatätparyasamgraha 403 10. [Vajrasattva-JPahcäkära 415 11. Mäyänirukti 427 12. Svapnanirukti 433 13. Tattvaprakäsa 437 14. Apratisthänaprakäsa 443 15. Yuganaddhaprakäsa 447 16. Mahäsukhaprakäsa 451 17. Tattvavimsikä 457 18. Mahäyänavimsikä 465 19. Nirvedhapahcaka 473 20. Madhyamasatka 477 21. Premapancaka 481 22. Tattvadasaka 485 23. Amanasikärädhära 489
24. Sahajasatka 499 25. *Dohänidhinämatattvopadesa 503 26. Shes pa spro bsdu med par ‘jog pa’i man ngag gsang ba dam pa 507 27. *Mahämudräkanakamälä 511 Bibliography 543 Primary Sources (Indian) 543 Primary Sources (Tibetan) 549 References 551 Index 559