
From Buddha-Nature

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Showing 20 pages using this property.

The Hevajra Tantra (84000)  +
The Scriptural Citations for the Ornament of Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness  +
Ornament Illuminating the Essence: A Commentary on the Famous Text, the Four Dharmas of the Incomparable Dakpo  +
Treasury of Precious Sūtras and Tantras  +
The Heart of the Mahāyāna Teachings  +
Chariot of the Siddhas of the Dakpo Lineage: The Oral Instructions of Glorious Dusum Khyenpa, an Extensive Commentary on the Madhyamakāvatāra  +
Epistle: A Drop of Nectar  +
The Wish-fulfilling Meru: A Discourse Explaining the Origination of Madhyamaka  +
The Commentary on the Treatise “Mahāyāna-Uttaratantra”: The Mirror Showing Reality Very Clearly  +
A Treatise entitled Introduction to the Modality of the Great Vehicle  +
A Garland of Views: The King of Pith Instructions  +
A Treasure Trove of Scripture: A Commentary on the Precious Treasury of Dharmadhātu  +
A Synopsis of the Mahāyāna Uttaratantra  +
The Ornament of the Heart of the Tathāgata: A Commentary on The Descent into Laṅkā (84000)  +
Personal Instructions of the Ḍākiṇī called "An Exemplar of Perfect Speech" (84000)  +
Distinguishing Wisdom from Appearances: A Commentary on Distinguishing Phenomena and their Nature  +
A Synopsis of the Mahāyāna Uttaratantra  +
A Synopsis of the Mahāyāna Uttaratantraśāstra  +
Commentary on the Ultimate Continuum Entitled Clear Sun Rays  +